A short note filled with good news and hope...

by Christina

For 6 weeks, it’s been cold, snowy and at times windy… as you all probably know by now, I’m a fan of winter. Now, that doesn’t mean I like every aspect of winter but overall, it’s my season. Even with my passion for winter, I’ve noticed my thoughts shifting to a new wardrobe season filled with clogs, linen, and color.

After deciding on my “professional attire” for the day, I made my way down the stairs to prep my morning cup of coffee… my favorite daily ritual. My thoughts were jumping all over the place sorting through my tasks for they day. I’ve been a bit inundated with work lately and have found this mental organization of my day infiltrating my special, quiet morning time. Quite honestly, these past couple of months have been challenging… just so much to do.

I reached for the stack of mail and found a letter from the Gardens of Health. Recall, they were one of the organizations we supported through Project Peace. I opened the envelope and to my delight I found the most inspiring contents… a beautifully, hand-written note with a photo.

Gardens for Health Thank you card.jpg

Check that out! We are a team! This fuels me to persist.

We are making a difference… one stitch, one seed, one veggie at a time.

Our efforts ripple to reach others and we must continue to strive for a world filled with peace and justice.

Through knitting, we are nourishing families.

Peace and love to all of you on the Healthy Knitter team.

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A couple of updates…

  1. Several people have asked if I’m still planning on a 2018 Project Peace bag. My answer to this is “yes” and “no.” We have the bags almost finished except for the screen printing and post-printing assembly. I’m considering creating a new screen print that will not be specific to the year… stay tuned. So, there will be a bag but it not break tradition.

  2. I’m still working on the patterns for the seeds of peace ebook. I’m nearing completion but it’s been a bit slower than I expected due to work and then changing my mind on a few of the designs. I can say that I really think you’ll agree that the patterns are worth the wait.

  3. Finally, last year, I decided to move the annual walk-along to the month of May (it’s been in April the past couple of years). This will align better with walking weather and my work schedule. I’m still debating if I will do this project as a mystery or not. If anyone feels strongly about this as a mystery (or not), please let me know.

Here comes March! Can you believe it. Don’t forget we are still in the 64-day Season of Non-Violence (through April 4). Read more about this here. The daily intentions have been wonderful and you can join in anytime.

